Quantum chemical calculations using the intermediate neglect of the differe
ntial overlap (INDO) method, combined with the large unit cell periodic mod
el argue for an existence of the self-trapped electrons in KNbO3 and KTaO3
perovskite crystals. An electron in the ground state occupies predominantly
t(2g) orbital of a Nb4+ ion. Its orbital degeneracy is lifted by a combina
tion of the breathing and Jahn-Teller modes where four nearest equatorial O
atoms are displaced outwards and two oxygens shift inwards along the z axi
s. Triplet exciton is shown to be in a good approximation of a pair of near
est Jahn-Teller electron and hole polarons (a bipolaron) which is very like
ly responsible for the 'green' luminescence observed in these crystals.