Simultaneous fractures of the distal radius and scaphoid are uncommon. Prev
ious reports have outlined a variety of treatment methods for this conditio
n. We describe the results in eight patients with simultaneous fractures of
the distal radius and scaphoid, who were treated at National Taiwan Univer
sity Hospital from 1987 to 1998. Treatments for the distal radius fractures
included pin-in-cast in one patient, casting in one, external fixation in
one, external fixation after pinning in three, and open reduction with inte
rnal fixation in two. Ail scaphoid fractures occurred at the scaphoid waist
, and were treated with long-arm thumb spica in three patients, Herbert scr
ew fixation in two, and percutaneous pinning in three. All of the fractures
united, and none of the patients developed scaphoid avascular necrosis. On
e patient suffered from superficial radial nerve injury during external fix
ation. The functional results of the wrist were good in five patients and f
air in three. To prevent the possible over-distraction of the scaphoid frac
ture, fixation of the scaphoid should be performed if a distraction force i
s to be applied during the treatment of the distal radius fracture. If no d
istraction force is to be applied, a thumb spica may provide adequate fixat
ion for the scaphoid fracture.