Benzalkonium chloride (BAC), the most widely used preservative in ophthalmi
c solutions, acts on the ocular surface through toxic or immunoallergic rea
ctions. Due to its surfactant properties, this quaternary ammonium strongly
decreases lachrymal fluid stability. It also causes toxic effects to epith
elial cells and increases corneal permeability. In vivo, strong histopathol
ogical changes are observed after topical treatments with preservatives, in
cluding infiltration by inflammatory cells, similar to those induced in hum
ans by long-term topical treatments. We designed a series of in vitro exper
iments confirming the toxicity of BAC, even at very low concentrations. In
vitro, BAC induces cell necrosis at the concentrations found in most eye dr
ops after a few minutes, and apoptosis when applied at lower concentrations
. This apoptotic phenomenon is confirmed by 4',6-diamidimo-2-phenylindole,
dilactate (DAPI) coloration and with the use of how cytometry. A decrease i
n cell size is observed with BAC at 0.001% and is confirmed by morphologica
l assay. An overexpression of Apo 2.7 associated with an increase of sub GI
phase cells is also shown. BAC induces irreversible cytotoxic damages with
some characteristics of apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner.