Objective: The purpose of this study was to follow changes in superficial v
eins of the lower extremities during pregnancy and the postpartum period in
women with varicose veins.
Methods: This was a prospective study with the use of duplex scanning durin
g the first and third trimesters of pregnancy and postpartum period. Compet
ent veins were defined as veins with an absence of reflux, and incompetent
veins were defined as veins with reflux. The diameter of the competent or i
ncompetent greater saphenous vein (GSV) and lesser saphenous vein (LSV) was
measured. The diameter of the largest varicose dilatations was measured in
all three networks: GSV and its tributaries, LSV and its tributaries, and
nonsaphenous varicose veins.
Results: Sixty-six women were studied prospectively (mean age, 32.2 +/- 4 y
ears; 85 affected extremities). The diameter of competent and incompetent G
SVs and competent LSVs increased between the first and third trimester (P <
.001) and decreased between the third trimester and the postpartum period
(P < .001). The diameter of the largest varicose dilatations of the GSV and
its tributaries and nonsaphenous networks increased between the first and
third trimester (P < .001) and decreased between the third trimester and th
e postpartum period (P < .001). No statistically significant variation of t
he diameter was demonstrated for any of these veins between the first trime
ster and the postpartum period.
Conclusion: The diameters of competent and incompetent superficial veins in
creased during pregnancy and decreased during the postpartum period to retu
rn to their baseline values.