Digital electron microscopy has been developed and applied to the structure
analysis of advanced materials such as semiconductors and alloys. First of
all, quantitative high-resolution electron microscopy was carried out on a
Z-type faulted dipole in GaAs with the through-focus method. Through the q
uantitative analysis of the high-resolution images, the atomic displacement
around the stacking fault was accurately evaluated. Ln the analysis of ele
ctron diffraction patterns of a Cu0.725Pd0.275 alloy, an energy filter was
utilized to obtain electron diffraction patterns with a small background re
moving the inelastically scattered electrons. From the analysis of diffuse
scattering of the Cu0.725Pd0.275 alloy, the short-range order parameters we
re quantitatively evaluated. Finally, it is pointed out that, based on the
digital data of electron microscope images, the construction of the data ba
se such as "EMILIA" (Electron Microscope image Library and Archive: http:// is quite important for the future research
of advanced materials characterization. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 2000. Al
l rights reserved.