The purpose of this study was to test the capability of contrast enhanced m
agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in assessing lesion formation in rat brain
after systemic (i.v.) administration of kainate. MRI was performed with T-1
-weighted spin echo sequence before and after the administration of kainate
and contrast media. Contrast media used were based on paramagnetic gadolin
ium (III) ion: Gd-DTPA (gadoliniumdiethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid) and
prototype agents for blood-pool enhancement. Gadomer-17 and polylysine-Gd-D
TPA. Enhancement of lesion rims and other brain tissue abnormalities due to
kainate with Gd-DTPA, Gadomer-17 and polylysine-Gd-DTPA were observed main
ly in the region of hippocampus and in the areas not protected by the blood
-brain-barrier (BBB).