The theme of this paper is that there are lessons to be learned for the pro
motion of sustainable development from experience gained in the application
of risk control concepts to health and safety at work. The starting point
was the enactment of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act of 1974. The fun
damental change introduced by the Act was to place primary responsibility f
or risk control with those who create the risks. It promoted the developmen
t of improvements through an informed dialogue between the regulator and th
e regulated. Such a dialogue is essential where uncertainties prevail so th
at professional judgements are necessary as to the level of risk. Furthermo
re, a wider consultation is necessary where it is felt that the choice of c
ontrol option needs to reflect stakeholder values. These features are evide
ntly applicable also to decision-making on sustainable development. This pa
per reviews the developments in arrangements for risk control and expands o
n their relevance to promoting the concept of sustainable development.