The conceptual structure of the 1996 performance assessment (PA) for the Wa
ste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is described. This structure involves thre
e basic entities (EN1, EN2, EN3): (i) EN1, a probabilistic characterization
of the likelihood of different futures occurring at the WIPP site over the
next 10,000 years; (ii) EN2, a procedure for estimating the radionuclide r
eleases to the accessible environment associated with each of the possible
futures that could occur at the WIPP site over the next 10.000 years; and (
iii) EN3, a probabilistic characterization of the uncertainty in the parame
ters used in the definition of EN1 and EN2. In the formal development of th
e 1996 WIPP PA, EN1 is characterized by a probability space (f(st,) G(st),
p(st)) for stochastic (i.e. aleatory) uncertainty; EN2 is characterized by
a function f that corresponds to the models and associated computer program
s used to estimate radionuclide releases; and EN3 is characterized by a pro
bability space (f(su), G(su), p(su)) for subjective (i.e. epistemic) uncert
ainty. A high-level overview of the 1996 WIPP PA and references to addition
al sources of information are given in the context of (f(su), G(su), p(su))
, f and (f(st), G(su), p(su)), Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.