The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is under development by the US Depar
tment of Energy (DOE) for the geologic disposal of transuranic waste. The c
onstruction of complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDFs) for
total radionuclide release from the WIPP to the accessible environment is d
escribed. The resultant CCDFs (i) combine releases due to cuttings and cavi
ngs, spallings, direct brine release, and long-term transport in Rowing gro
undwater; (ii) fall substantially to the left of the boundary line specifie
d by the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) standard 40 CFR 191 f
or the geologic disposal of radioactive waste; and (iii) constitute an impo
rtant component of the DOE's successful Compliance Certification Applicatio
n to the EPA for the WIPP. Insights and perspectives gained in the performa
nce assessment (PA) that led to these CCDFs are described, including the im
portance of: (i) an iterative approach to PA; (ii) uncertainty and sensitiv
ity analysis; (iii) a clear conceptual model for the analysis; (iv) the sep
aration of stochastic (i.e. aleatory) and subjective (i.e, epistemic) uncer
tainty; (v) quality assurance procedures: (vi) early involvement of peer re
viewers, regulators, and stakeholders; (vii) avoidance of conservative assu
mptions; and (viii) adequate documentation. Published by Elsevier Science L