Magnesium depletion is a common feature of diabetes mellitus, apparently re
lated to glycaemic control. The aim of the study was to investigate the iso
lated effect of hyperglycaemia upon renal magnesium excretion. Urinary magn
esium excretion rates were measured in 10 patients with Type 1 diabetes mel
litus on two different days with different levels of blood glucose concentr
ation but equal plasma insulin concentration. On a hyperglycaemic day, an i
.v. infusion of 20% glucose was started at the end of a euglycaemic baselin
e period, increasing blood glucose concentration from 5.3 mmol/L to 12.3 mm
ol/L. There was no major glucosuria. On the hyperglycaemic day the renal ma
gnesium excretion and clearance were raised by a factor of 2.4 compared to
the euglycaemic day. Plasma magnesium concentration decreased 3% during hyp
erglycaemia. In conclusion, blood glucose excursions influence magnesium ho
meostasis independently of insulin levels in Type 1 diabetic patients. This
effect is primarily due to an increased renal magnesium clearance during h