Varying standards and quality among Norwegian school psychology services (S
PS) have resulted in national SPS support and developmental programs. The p
resent study aimed to reveal SPS quality dimensions to suggest a basis for
development of service standards. Teachers (333) and administrators (136) r
esponsible for corresponding cases referred to the SPS responded to a quest
ionnaire including indeces of case service quality and collaboration betwee
n schools and SPS. The statistical analyses included factor analyses and a
multiple regression analysis. The data and results from an earlier study of
parents' quality dimensions were included in an items analyses. The result
suggests five central SPS quality dimensions: availability, participation,
consideration, effectiveness and security. While effectiveness has the str
ongest effect on the evaluation of case service quality both for parents an
d school personnel, the dimensions have different significance for differen
t consumer groups. Relations to general service quality dimensions and cons
equences of the findings are discussed.