Since several years in France, BaMMV variants in high concentration infecti
ng ym4 barley cultivars have been detected in TAS-ELISA using monoclonal an
tibodies. In 1996, 1997 and 1998, plants with mosaic symptoms from six susc
eptible and six resistant cultivars to the common European strain of BaYMV
and BaMMV were collected in GO fields from different barley crop areas. In
the resistant cvs. 'Express','Labea', 'Maeva', 'Majestic' and 'Rejane', BaM
MV is present alone in more than 40 % of infected plants whereas in 'Sunris
e' resistant cultivar it is always associated to BaYMV.
Forty isolates of BaMMV (29 from susceptible and 11 from the resistant cult
ivars), BaMMV-Kal from Japan and Bah IMV-MF, a laboratory isolate from Fran
ce, have been mechanically inoculated to the cv. 'Express' and to the susce
ptible cv. 'Magie'. None of these BaMMV isolates have been transmitted to c
v. 'Express'. Infection to cv. 'Magie' succeeded for only nine BaMMV isolat
es, which contaminate naturally both susceptible and resistant cultivars.
Stability and multiplication of these isolates have been compared on cv. 'M
agie'. Some of the isolates from susceptible or resistant cultivars are pro
gressively lost after four successive transmissions whereas BaMMV-Kal and B
aMMV-MF are stable. The ability to be repetitively transmitted from both su
sceptible and resistant cultivars is only partly dependent on their concent
ration in the primary inoculated plants.