We provide a comprehensive SAS program for the computation of univariate an
d multivariate stability statistics for balanced data. The program is inten
ded for genotype x location x year (G x L x Y) or genotype x location (G x
L) data, averaged over replications (R). It computes the symmetrical joint
linear regression with the right and left solutions and Tukey's 1 df for no
nadditivity, the regression coefficients (b- or beta-values), and the devia
tions from regression (delta(y)) and provides the graphs of the regression
lines for both genotypes and locations, Separate regression on the positive
and negative sectors of the environmental indices is also conducted. The p
rogram calculates Tai's alpha and lambda statistics with graphical presenta
tion of the scatter of the genotypes in the alpha, lambda space. Other outp
uts of the program include the univariate stability statistics Wricke's eco
valence (W-i(2)), Shukla's stability variance (sigma(i)(2)), Hanson's genot
ypic stability (D-i(2)), Plaisted and Peterson's theta(i), Plaisted's <(the
ta)over bar>((i)), Franc's and Kannenberg's environmental variance (S-i(2))
, and coefficient of variance (S-i(2)); and the rank-based nonparametric st
ability statistics S-i((2)), S-i((3)), S-i((6)), Kang's rank sum, and the s
tratified rank analysis of the genotypes. The program also computes Type 4
stability, superiority measure (P-i), the desirability index of genotype pe
rformance, and the pairwise genotype x environment (G x E) interaction of g
enotypes with checks, It partitions the G x E interaction into that due to
heterogeneity of variances and that due to imperfect correlation between th
e genotype performance and performs the singular value decomposition of the
G x E matrix, plotting the first two interactions' principal components.