Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is highly productive and responsive to N fer
tilization under midsummer conditions in the eastern USA. We conducted a fi
eld experiment for 3 yr on a Ramsey soil (loamy, siliceous, subactive, mesi
c Lithic Dystrudept) in southern West Virginia to determine if fertilizer N
influenced forage chicory nutritive value and NO3-N concentration. Each N
rate (0, 80, 160, 240, or 480 kg N ha(-1)) was replicated three times in a
randomized block design. Swards were clipped at 6-wk intervals during the g
rowing season. Swards were virtually pure chicory in the first year (1994)
regardless of N rate. By the third year (1996), chicory ranged from about 4
0% (0 N) to less than 5% (480 kg N ha(-1)) of swards. Botanical composition
changes in the sward influenced dry matter (DM) response to N rate and her
bage nutritive value. Dry matter production increased with N rate in 1994,
but was not affected by N in 1996 when chicory was not a major sward compon
ent. More than 70% of total annual DM production in 1994 occurred after the
first harvest, but by 1996 was less than 50%, reflecting productivity patt
erns typical of cool-season swards. Nitrate concentrations in herbage were
greatest (3.5 g kg(-1)) in 1995, a relatively dry year, and least (2.3 g kg
(-1)) in 1996, when there was less chicory in the sward. Crude protein (CP)
and in vitro organic matter disappearance (IVOMD) values indicated high fo
rage quality throughout the course of the experiment.