Although corn (Zea mays L.) yields following soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr
.] or wheat (Triticum aestivum L,) exceed yields of continuous corn, contin
uous corn is common in the northeastern USA because of demand for corn by t
he dairy industry. We evaluated corn under different tillage (moldboard plo
w, chisel, and ridge), rotation (continuous corn, soybean-corn, soybean-tor
n-corn, and soybean-wheat/red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)-corn), and man
agement systems (high and low chemical input) for 6 Sr to determine optimum
cropping systems for corn. In moldboard plow, corn in soybean-wheat/red cl
over-corn (9.2 Mg ha(-1)) and soybean-corn (8.5 Mg ha(-1)) rotations under
low chemical yielded greater than continuous corn under high chemical manag
ement (7.9 Mg ha(-1)). In chisel tillage, corn in the soybean-corn rotation
yielded greater under high chemical (8.9 Mg ha(-1)) and similarly under lo
w chemical (7.9 Mg ha(-1)) compared with continuous corn under high chemica
l management (7.6 Mg ha(-1)). In ridge tillage, corn in soybean-corn or fir
st-year corn in soybean-corn-corn rotations yielded greater under high chem
ical (8.1 Mg ha(-1)) but less under low chemical (6.3 and 6.8 Mg ha(-1), re
spectively) compared with continuous corn under high chemical management (7
.5 Mg ha(-1)). Growers under similar environmental conditions to this study
can increase corn yields while reducing inputs by adopting soybean-wheat/r
ed clover-corn and soybean-corn rotations in moldboard plow or a soybean-co
rn rotation in chisel tillage. In ridge tillage, growers could adopt soybea
n-corn or soybean-corn-corn rotations, which would increase corn yields but
not reduce inputs when compared with continuous corn.