Intrinsic kinetics of the catalytic partial oxidation of methane were studi
ed at atmospheric pressure in the presence of transport limitations using a
single Pt gauze. Catalyst temperature and gas-phase temperatures were meas
ured directly. CO, CO2, and H2O were the main products at catalyst temperat
ures between 1,030 and 1,200 K, residence times of 0.02 to 0.2 ms, CH4/O-2
ratios between 1.8 and 5.0, and O-2 conversions between 9 and 46%. A kineti
c model was developed that consists of six reaction steps. Methane adsorpti
on had to be considered as oxygen-assisted to describe the experimental dat
a, in particular the decrease of the selectivity for CO with increasing spa
ce times. Corresponding intrinsic kinetic parameters were obtained from the
literature and from regression of the experimental CO selectivities. The c
alculated conversions and selectivities were obtained using the intrinsic k
inetic model, together with a reactor model accounting for no transport lim
itations quantitatively without any adjustable parameter. Simulations indic
ate initial CO selectivities between 86 and 96% over the investigated range
of conditions, and illustrate the relevance of both surface kinetics and m
ass transport in CO formation.