OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine whether preoperative radi
oimmunoscintigraphy of complex ovarian masses with technetium Tc 99m MAb-17
0 (Tru-Scint AD; Biomira Inc, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), a murine whole im
munoglobulin G monoclonal antibody that has been found to have panadenocarc
inoma affinity, would predict surgical findings.
STUDY DESIGN: The age range of studied patients was 42 to 83 years (mean, 6
0.3 years). Planar computed tomographic imaging and single-photon emission
computed tomographic imaging were performed at 15 minutes, 6 to 8 hours, an
d 18 to 24 hours after injection of 1000 MBq technetium Tc 99m MAb-170. Lap
arotomy was performed within 10 days.
RESULTS: Eighteen patients had borderline or invasive ovarian cancers verif
ied by histologic examination. All primary malignancies or deposits (includ
ing intrahepatic deposits) yielded positive results on radioimmunoscintigra
phic imaging. Radioimmunoscintigraphy was able to identify serosal deposits
not seen on computed tomographic or ultrasonographic scans. False-positive
localization of the antibody was noted in 6 of the 9 patients with benign
pathologic processes.
CONCLUSION: It is possible to detect with technetium Tc 99m MAb-170 all pat
ients who have cancer (including sites not seen on computed tomographic or
ultrasonographic scan); however, the low specificity (33%) means that patie
nts still require surgical verification of disease.