Numerous mechanical, biochemical, and immunologic changes occur during preg
nancy. Because of these changes, pregnant women are more susceptible to inf
ection, thromboembolic disease, exacerbation of underlying immunologic dise
ase, and heart failure than women who are not pregnant. The differential di
agnosis of diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in a pregnant woman is broad; thus
, the work-up can be very challenging. If the patient fails to respond to c
onservative measures, such as antibiotics, the cause of the infiltrate must
be aggressively evaluated because the treatment may be essential for the s
urvival of the mother and fetus. We report a case of a pregnant woman who p
resented with diffuse bilateral infiltrates, After video-assisted thoracosc
opic lung biopsy, this patient was found to have respiratory bronchiolitis,
a disease not previously reported during pregnancy. Treatment with glucoco
rticoids resulted in a prompt improvement in symptoms.