Study aim: The aim of this study was to report the results of surgical trea
tment of hydatid bilio-bronchial et biliopleuro-bronchial fistulas via thor
Material and methods: From 1990 to 1998, 63 cases were observed in the same
center. Biliptysis was the main symptom in 72% of cases. The diagnosis was
based on chest radiography and abdominal ultrasonography; both examination
s visualised the cyst, intrathoracic collections, a diaphragmatic breach an
d biliary lesions. All patients were treated by one-stage thoracotomy The p
rocedures consisted of lung resection (lobectomy and/or segmentectomy) (n=4
7) and decortication (n=16) in the chest, cyst dome resection (n=61) or par
tial pericystectomy (n=12) in the abdomen and suture of the diaphragmatic d
efect in all cases after hepato-diaphragmatic deconnection. An additional l
aparotomy was necessary in 4 cases.
Results: There were 8 deaths (12.7%): one intraoperative death due to haemo
rrhage and seven postoperative deaths, mostly related to pulmonary complica
tions. Postoperative complications (14.3%) were mainly respiratory. Clinica
l and radiological results were good with a one-year follow-up.
Conclusion: Bilio-bronchial and bilio-pleurobronchial fistulas due to hydat
id cyst are rare, but severe diseases. They are responsible for lesions at
three levels: abdominal, diaphragmatic and thoracic. A high perioperative m
ortality rate was observed. Thoracotomy is the best approach for surgical t
reatment at all three levels. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales
Elsevier SAS.