Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the effect that two gu
ides to tooth preparation had on an operator's ability to appropriately and
consistently prepare teeth for porcelain laminate veneers.
Study design In-vitro study
Materials and methods Thirty typodont central incisor teeth were randomly a
llocated into three groups and a general dental practitioner was asked to p
repare the teeth for porcelain laminate veneers. Group A were prepared free
hand while Groups B and C were prepared with the assistance of a silicone i
ndex and depth preparation bur respectively. Images of the prepared teeth w
ere used to calculate the mean labial depth of preparation and incisal redu
ction of teeth in each group.
Results The mean labial reduction for Groups A, B and C was 0.37 mm (SD 0.1
3), 0.62 mm (SD 0.17) and 0.61 mm (SD 0.15) and the mean incisal reduction
for Groups A, B and C was 1.0 mm (SD 0.28), 1.0 mm (SD 0.38) and 1.03 mm (S
D 0.26) respectively
Conclusion It is suggested that consideration be given to the use of a sili
cone index or depth gauge bur when teeth are prepared for porcelain laminat
e veneers.