In this study we investigated the immunohistochemical expression of inducib
le nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in a set of normal pleural mesothelial tiss
ues, malignant mesotheliomas, mesothelioma cell lines and metastatic pleura
l adenocarcinomas. Furthermore, the expression of mRNA was assessed in four
malignant mesothelioma cell lines in culture. Apoptosis and vascular densi
ty in malignant mesotheliomas was assessed by the TUNEL method and by immun
ohistochemistry with an antibody against FVIII-related antigen. Immunohisto
chemically mesothelial cells in non-neoplastic healthy pleural tissues were
mostly negative for iNOS. Positivity for iNOS was observed in 28/38 (74%)
and 24/25 (96%) of malignant mesotheliomas and metastatic pleural adenocarc
inomas. respectively Epithelial and mixed mesotheliomas expressed more ofte
n strong iNOS immunoreactivity compared to the sarcomatoid subtype (P = 0.0
23). Moreover, metastatic adenocarcinomas expressed more often iNOS positiv
ity than mesotheliomas (P = 0.021). Experiments with the cell lines confirm
ed that malignant mesothelioma cells are capable of synthesizing iNOS. No s
ignificant association was found between iNOS expression and apoptosis or v
ascular density in malignant mesotheliomas. The higher expression of iNOS i
n the epithelial subtype of mesothelioma and pleural metastatic adenocarcin
oma might be due to an increased sensitivity of these cell types to cytokin
e-mediated iNOS upregulation. The strong expression of iNOS suggests a puta
tive role for NO in the growth and progression of these tumours. (C) 2000 C
ancer Research Campaign.