Lectins LI and LII, localized on the surface of the nitrogen-fixing soil ba
cterium Bacillus polymyxa 1460, were shown to possess proteolytic activity.
A relationship was found between the proteolytic and hemagglutinating acti
vities of the lectins. Blocking of hemagglutinating activity with specific
carbohydrate haptens led to significant changes in the enzyme activity of b
oth lectins. When lectin activity was blocked with glucuronic acid and fruc
tose-1,6-diphosphate, the proteolytic activity of both LI and LII declined,
whereas incubation with D-galactosamine and D-glucosamine promoted increas
es in the proteolytic activity of LII. This study proposes that the molecul
es of the B. polymyxa lectins may have two centers on their surfaces: one r
esponsible for lectin activity and the other for proteolytic activity.