The vascular tissues of plants form a network of interconnected cell files
throughout the plant body. The transition from a genetically totipotent mer
istematic precursor to different stages of a committed procambial cell, and
its subsequent differentiation into a mature vascular element, involves de
velopmental events whose molecular nature is still mostly unknown. The rice
protein Oshox1 is a member of the homeodomain leucine zipper family of tra
nscription factors. Here we show that the strikingly precise onset of Oshox
1 gene expression marks critical, early stages of provascular ontogenesis i
n which the developmental fate of procambial cells is specified but not yet
stably determined. This suggests that the Oshox1 gene may be involved in t
he establishment of the conditions required to restrict the developmental p
otential of procambial cells. In support of this hypothesis, ectopic expres
sion of Oshox1 in provascular cells that normally do not yet express this g
ene results in anticipation of procambial cell fate commitment, eventually
culminating in premature vascular differentiation. Oshox1 represents the fi
rst example of a transcription factor whose function can be linked to speci
fication events mediating provascular cell fate commitment.