Langerhans cell granulomatosis (LCG) is characterized by a mixture of Lange
rhans cells and eosinophils in varying proportions. The characteristic morp
hology of Langerhans cells have already been described in many articles, bu
r little attention has been paid to inflammatory cells. We examined sir cas
es of Langerhans cell granulomatosis, which had originally been diagnosed a
s eosinophilic granuloma. Inflammatory cells present in LCG showed hyperseg
mentation. Twenty percent to 70% of eosinophils herd three or more segmente
d nuclei, and 10-25% of neutrophils had five or more segmented nuclei. Such
findings have never been described, and we believe hypersegmentation to be
a feature of LCG. Furthermore, we emphasize that eosinophils in LCG mimic
neutrophils in ethanol-fixed preparations, and thus may be a pitfall in mak
ing a diagnosis in cytology and intraoperative consultation. (C) 2000 Wiley
-Liss, Inc.