The analysis of three populations of the characid fish Astyanax scabripinni
s located at different altitudes along the same stream has revealed the pre
sence of a macro B chromosome in two high-altitude populations (1800 m and
1920 m) but its absence from a low-altitude population (700 m). Because the
stream flows through very rugged mountains, with numerous falls ensuring t
hat any gene flow occurs downstream only, the absence of B chromosomes from
the low-altitude populations is best interpreted in the light of the paras
itic theory of B chromosome evolution. Under this theory, we would expect B
chromosomes to be more frequent where environmental conditions are more fa
vourable for the species, because Bs are best tolerated there. The widespre
ad presence of these B chromosomes in numerous Brazilian river headwaters,
which are the preferred habitat for this species, support this possibility.