Using off-the-shelf commodity workstations and PCs to build a cluster for p
arallel computing has become a common practice. The cost-effectiveness of a
cluster computing platform for a given budget and for certain types of app
lications is mainly determined by its memory hierarchy and the interconnect
ion network configurations of the cluster. Finding such a cost-effective so
lution from exhaustive simulations would be highly time-consuming and predi
ctions from measurements on existing clusters would be impractical. We pres
ent an analytical model for evaluating the performance impact of memory hie
rarchies and networks on cluster computing. The model covers the memory hie
rarchy of a single SMP, a duster of workstations/PCs, or a cluster of SMPs
by changing various architectural parameters. Network variations covering b
oth bus and switch networks are also included in the analysis. Different ty
pes of applications are characterized by parameterized workloads with diffe
rent computation and communication requirements. The model has been validat
ed by simulations and measurements. The workloads used for experiments are
both scientific applications and commercial workloads. Our study shows that
the depth of the memory hierarchy is the most sensitive factor affecting t
he execution time for many types of workloads. However, the interconnection
network cost of a tightly coupled system with a short depth in memory hier
archy, such as an SMP, is significantly more expensive than a normal cluste
r network connecting independent computer nodes. Thus, the essential issue
to be considered is the trade-off between the depth of the memory hierarchy
and the system cost. Based on analyses and case studies, we present our qu
antitative recommendations for building cost-effective clusters for differe
nt workloads.