Using concepts from the theory of chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems, a
time-series analysis is performed on four major currencies against the Cree
k Drachma. The R/S analysis provided evidence for fractality due to noisy c
haos in only two of the data series, while the BDS test showed that all fou
r systems exhibit nonlinearity. Correlation dimension and related tests, as
well as Lyapunov exponents, gave consistent results, which did not rule ou
t the possibility of deterministic chaos for the two possibly fractal serie
s, rejecting though the occurrence of a simple low-dimensional attractor, w
hile the other two series seemed to have followed a behavior close to that
of a random signal. SVD analysis, used to filter away noise, strongly suppo
rted the above findings and provided reliable evidence for the existence of
an underlying system with a limited number of degrees-of-freedom only for
those series found to exhibit fractality, while it revealed a noise dominat
ion over the remaining two. These results were further confirmed through a
forecasting attempt using artificial neural networks.