A nonautonomous system, i.e. a system driven by an external force, is usual
ly considered as being phase synchronized with this force. In such a case,
the dynamical behavior is conveniently studied in an extended phase space w
hich is the product of the phase space R-m of the undriven system by an ext
ra dimension associated with the external force. The analysis is then perfo
rmed by taking advantage of the known period of the external force to defin
e a Poincare section relying on a stroboscopic sampling. Nevertheless, it m
ay so happen that the phase synchronization does not occur. It is then more
convenient to consider the nonautonomous system as an autonomous system in
corporating the subsystem generating the driving force. In the case of a si
nusoidal driving force, the phase space is Rm+2 instead of the usual extend
ed phase space R-m x S-1. It is also demonstrated that a global model may t
hen be obtained by using m + 2 dynamical variables with two variables assoc
iated with the driving force. The obtained model characterizes an autonomou
s system in contrast with a classical input/output model obtained when the
driving force is considered as an input.