The objective of this paper is to study parametrial involvement in patients
with endometrial carcinoma undergoing radical hysterectomy. We reviewed in
dications for surgery, pathology findings, and outcome of a series of 24 pa
tients with endometrial carcinoma who underwent radical hysterectomy. The u
terus, cervix and parametrial tissue were processed as step-serial sections
Histologically, 16 patients (67%) had carcinoma involving the cervix. Two o
f these patients (8%) had frank histologic parametrial involvement and four
(17%) had disease extending to the transitional zone of the cervix. Parame
trial involvement was continuous and seen only in patients with involvement
of the cervical stroma. Six patients (25%) had pelvic node metastases. Wit
h a median follow-up of 53 months (range 2-140), four patients (17%) develo
ped recurrences (all within 24 months). Twelve patients (50%), including on
e of the two with parametrial invasion, were free of disease for 5 years or
We conclude that direct parametrial extension can occur in locally advanced
endometrial cancer. Radical hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy can be an ad
equate operation for such patients.