Christian Right Organizations in the 1990s have tried to avoid the pitfalls
for the religious particularism that undermined the earlier efforts of suc
h groups as Moral Majority to build long lasting political coalitions. For
many Christian Right leaders, conservative Catholics appear to be a particu
larly appealing group to reach for membership recruitment and political coa
lition-building. Yet such leading groups as the Christian Coalition have la
rgely experienced disappointment with such efforts.
This essay presents data that offer reasons why conservative Catholics migh
t be willing to form political coalitions with activists of the Christian R
ight but remain reluctant to join Christian Right organizations. The findin
gs are based on a large survey of Republican party state convention delegat
es in four states. The data show that Catholic delegates hold very conserva
tive issue positions in line with Christian Right organizations, and have p
ositive feelings toward Christian Right leaders and organizations. Yet Cath
olic delegates hold somewhat distinctive positions among Republicans on cer
tain issues, and therefore remain reluctant to join the Christian Coalition
and other such groups.