By considering arbitrary source-receiver configurations, compressional prim
ary reflections can be imaged into time or depth-migrated seismic sections
so that the migrated wavefield amplitudes are a measure of angle-dependent
reflection coefficients. Several migration algorithms were proposed in the
recent past based on the Born or Kirchhoff approach. All of them are given
in form of a weighted diffraction-stack integral operator that is applied t
o the input seismic data. The result is a migrated seismic section where at
each reflection point the source wavelet is reconstructed with an amplitud
e proportional to the reflection coefficient at that point. Based on the Ki
rchhoff approach, we derive the weight function and the diffraction stack i
ntegral operator for a two and one-half (2.5-D) seismic model and apply it
to a set of synthetic seismic data in noisy environment. The result shows t
he accuracy and stability of the 2.5-D migration method as a tool for obtai
ning important information about the reflectivity properties of the earth's
subsurface, which is of great interest for amplitude vs. offset (angle) an
alysis. We also present a new application of the Double Diffraction Stack (
DDS) inversion method to determine three important parameters along the nor
mal ray path, i.e., the angle and point of emergence at the earth surface,
and also the radius of curvature of the hypothetical Normal Incidence Point
(NIP) wave. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.