Epitaxy of high-quality GaN on sapphire requires a rather sophisticated sub
strate preparation prior to the GaN epilayer growth, namely nitridation of
the substrate's surface, growth of a GaN nucleation layer at a relative low
temperature, and reduction of the defect density of this layer by a subseq
uent annealing step. For studying both, the detailed mechanisms of this com
plex procedure and its growth parameter dependencies, we attached an in sit
u spectroscopic ellipsometer to a nitride metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy
reactor. First, the high-temperature dielectric function of GaN was measur
ed using samples from different suppliers. Based on these data, the effect
of growth parameter variations on the crystal quality of GaN epilayers coul
d be monitored in situ. In particular, we determined the threshold temperat
ure and the duration of the substrate nitridation under ammonia as well as
the thermal threshold and duration of the nucleation layer transformation.
Additionally, based on the in situ measurements a qualitative estimate for
the crystalline quality of the nucleation layer and the epilayer is provide
d. Finally, the surface roughness of differently prepared GaN layers was ev
aluated by using the high-energy spectroscopic range of our vacuum-ultravio
let ellipsometer (3.5-9.0 eV). (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S00