Since topoisomerase poisons allow the enzyme to cut and covalently bind to
DNA but abort the subsequent rejoining of the molecule after relieving the
torsional stress. To study their action we have made use of a supercoiled f
orm of the pRYG plasmid that bears a specific topoisomerase recognition and
binding region. The conversion of the supercoiled circular double-stranded
DNA to the linear and open circle forms in the presence of a topoisomerase
II poison and a denaturation step by proteinase K-SDS is indicative of the
efficiency of our test agents to stabilize the cleavable complex. Using th
is system, three glucosylated isoflavones (6'-methoxypseudobaptigenin-7-O-b
eta-glucoside, genistin, and daidzin) isolated from cytotoxic chloroform an
d ethyl acetate extracts of Retama sphaerocarpa Boissier, were found to hav
e the ability to stabilize the cleavage complex human DNA topoisomerase II.