In the distinctive gelatinous Perca fluviatilis egg mass, limited fungal gr
owth by Aphanomyces and Saprolegnia spp, especially S. diclina occurred wit
hin dead eggs but did not spread to adjacent live eggs. Perch eggs exposed
to parasitic challenge by Saprolegnia parasitica, S dieclina(type III) and
S. ferax, under fluctuating temperature regimes replicating spring water te
mperatures. did not have significantly greater mortality than did unchallen
ged controls. The observations suggest that perch eggs have some anti-funga
l properties which usually prevent the spread of fungus throughout the egg
mass and that under normal spring temperatures there should be negligible e
cological consequences of fungal infection in perch egg masses. (C) 2000 Th
e Fisheries Society of the British Isles.