Volado, the gene encoding the Drosophila alpha PS3-integrin, is required fo
r normal short-term memory formation (Grotewiel et al., 1998), supporting a
role for integrins in synaptic modulation mechanisms. We show that the Vol
ado protein (VOL) is localized to central and peripheral larval Drosophila
synapses. VOL is strongly concentrated in a subpopulation of synaptic bouto
ns in the CNS neuropil and to a variable subset of synaptic boutons at neur
omuscular junctions (NMJs). Mutant morphological and functional synaptic ph
enotypes were analyzed at the NMJ. Volado mutant synaptic arbors are struct
urally enlarged, suggesting VOL negatively regulates developmental synaptic
sprouting and growth. Mutant NMJs exhibit abnormally large evoked synaptic
currents and reduced Ca2+ dependence of transmission. Strikingly, multiple
forms of Ca2+- and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity are reduced or a
bsent. Conditional Volado expression in mutant larvae largely rescues norma
l transmission and plasticity. Pharmacologicially disrupting integrin funct
ion at normal NMJs phenocopies features of mutant transmission and plastici
ty within 30-60 min, demonstrating that integrins acutely regulate function
al transmission. Our results provide direct evidence that Volado regulates
functional synaptic plasticity processes and support recent findings implic
ating integrins in rapid changes in synaptic efficacy and in memory formati