The simple comparison of two binomial populations is frequently of int
erest in epidemiology when the domains are large. For small domains, h
owever, there are no exact methods except Fisher's exact test. A basic
problem, therefore, is to compare two populations by assessing the di
fference between the proportions of individuals who possess a characte
ristic in the first and second populations. When there is prior inform
ation, we take the proportions to have independent conjugate beta dist
ributions with known parameters, thereby facilitating a Bayesian analy
sis. We consider Bayesian inference on functions of the proportions, a
nd the three most common scalar measures used in epidemiology and heal
th services research, namely relative risk, odds ratio and attributabl
e risk. We develop the highest density regions (both exact and approxi
mate) for relative risk, odds ratio and attributable risk. In addition
, we consider the Bayes factor for testing whether the model with a co
mmon proportion holds rather than one with distinct proportions. Using
data from the population-based Worcester Heart Attack Study, we apply
our methodology to study gender differences in the therapeutic manage
ment of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by selected de
mographic and clinical characteristics. The Bayes factor, the approxim
ate and exact intervals generally suggest that there are no substantia
l differences in the pharmacologic management of males and females hos
pitalized with AMI. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.