Under the typical high-latitude conditions of temperature, productivity and
settlement of chlorophyll and phaeophytin to the sediment, many benthic or
ganisms in the Antarctic show strong seasonal variation. Although meiofauna
comprise an important component of the southpolar benthic ecosystem, our k
nowledge of them is limited. The metazoan meiofauna and the surrounding sed
iments were studied fortnightly for 18 mo in a shallow bay at Signy Island
(Factory Cove, South Orkneys, Antarctica) to test whether and how the tempo
ral variability of the environment influenced meiobenthos dynamics. By exam
ination of the distribution of the abundance and biomass of the total commu
nity, the density of higher taxonomic groups, and of individual dominant ne
matode genera and feeding categories, we assessed changes in faunal structu
re. Short-term variations were often effective, and several correlations we
re observed between temperature and food availability (chlorophyll and its
derivatives and bulk organic matter, C and N, in both sediment and water co
lumn). However, complex temporal patterns characterised the otherwise fairl
y predictable seasonal variations of the Antarctic ecosystem. The results s
uggest that variations in meiobenthic population density and structure were
primarily regulated by the input and availability of organic matter and le
ss so by water temperature, which was constantly low. The virtual lack of a
'winter stop' also leads to the conclusion that food was not limiting in t
he Antarctic coastal sediment.