A transport algorithm called the proton loss (PL) model is developed for pr
oton pencil beams of therapeutic energies. The PL model takes into account
inelastic nuclear reactions, pathlength straggling, and energy-loss straggl
ing and predicts the 3D dose distribution from a proton pencil beam. In pro
ton beams, the multiple scattering and ionizational energy loss processes a
pproach their diffusional limit where scattering and energy loss probabilit
y densities become Gaussian. Therefore we chose to derive the PL model from
the Fermi-Eyges diffusional multiple scattering theory and the Gaussian th
eory of energy straggling. We first introduce a generalization of the Fermi
-Eyges equation for proton pencil beams, labeled the proton loss (PL) trans
port equation. This new equation includes terms that model inelastic nuclea
r reactions as a depth-dependent absorption and pathlength straggling as a
quasi-absorption. Then energy straggling is taken into account by using a w
eighted superposition of a discrete number of elementary pencil beams. Thes
e elementary pencil beams have different initial energies and lose energy a
ccording to the CSDA, thus they have different ranges of penetration. A fin
al solution for the proton beam transport is obtained as a linear combinati
on of elementary pencil beam solutions with weights defined by the Gaussian
evolution of the proton energy spectrum with depth. A numerical comparison
of the dose distribution predictions of the PL model with measurements and
PTRAN Monte Carlo simulations indicates the model is both computational fa
st and accurate. (C) 2000 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [