We consider autoregressive neural network (AR-NN) processes driven by addit
ive noise and demonstrate that the characteristic roots of the shortcuts-th
e standard conditions from linear time-series analysis-determine the stocha
stic behavior of the overall AR-NN process. If all the characteristic roots
are outside the unit circle, then the process is ergodic and stationary. I
f at least one characteristic root lies inside the unit circle, then the pr
ocess is transient. AR-NN processes with characteristic roots lying on the
unit circle exhibit either ergodic, random walk, or transient behavior. We
also analyze the class of integrated AR-NN (ARI-NN) processes and show that
a standardized ARI-NN process "converges" to a Wiener process. Finally, le
ast-squares estimation (training) of the stationary models and testing for
nonstationarity is discussed. The estimators are shown to be consistent, an
d expressions on the limiting distributions are given.