A widespread disease: Significant progress in screening for alveolar echino
cocciasis has reduced the number of new cases observed in Europe Health edu
cation and serodetection campaigns have allowed earlier diagnosis and more
effective treatment The disease cannot however be totally eradicated due to
the widespread wild reservoirs, sometimes even in the center of large citi
Therapeutics: Early diagnosed and treatment can inhibit the inevitable prog
ression observed after clinical manifestations appear. Drugs can block dise
ase progression and surgical excision can be most effective, inversely, the
hopes raised by liver transplantation in patients with advanced stage dise
ase have not been fulfilled due to the more or less late-onset metastasis f
avored by immunosuppressive treatments.
Perspectives: There has been considerable progress in our knowledge of this
parasite disease, particularly in improved diagnostic techniques. They hav
e also demonstrated that humans are poor hosts for the parasite which is of
ten spontaneously ejected. We are beginning to better understand the mechan
isms of this spontaneous cure. Practical consequences would be a definition
of receptive patient profiles or "vaccine" or immunotherapeutic procedures