Although cross-sectional research has established the link between care dem
ands and various indicators of caregiver adaptation, few studies have exami
ned the impact of care recipients' problematic behavior over time. The pres
ent analysis determines the importance of behavior problems when predicting
rates of change in subjective stressors (role overload and role captivity)
and depression. Using 4-wave longitudinal data (N = 137) on dementia careg
ivers, the authors fit individual growth curve models for care demands (i.e
., behavior problems, activities of daily living dependencies, and cognitiv
e impairment), subjective stressors, and depression. Subsequent structural
equation models found that increases in behavior problems were most likely
to predict increases in role overload. The findings emphasize the deleterio
us long-term impact of behavior problems on individuals' emotional adaptati
on to caregiving.