Proinsulin is packaged into nascent (immature, clathrin-coated) secretory g
ranules in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of the beta-cell along with other
granular constituents including the proinsulin conversion enzymes. It is as
sumed that such packaging is dependent on an active sorting process, separa
ting granular proteins from other secretory or membrane proteins, but the m
echanism remains elusive. As granules mature, the clathrin coat is lost, th
e intragranular milieu is progressively acidified, and proinsulin is conver
ted to insulin and C-peptide. Loss of clathrin is believed to arise by budd
ing of clathrin-coated vesicles from maturing granules, carrying with them
any inappropriate or unnecessary products and Providing an additional means
for refinement of granular content.