A fiber optic. miniprobe (FOMP) system, based on remote fluorometry, has be
en recently developed for in situ real-time measurement of solute transport
processes in soil. In order for the FOMP output light intensity measuremen
ts to be converted to fluorescent tracer concentration, an in situ calibrat
ion is necessary for each probe. The conventional calibration method consis
ts of leaching the entire soil unit of interest with several pore volumes o
f tracer solution for each calibration step. The steady signal measured by
the probes at each step is then related to tracer concentration. This proce
dure works well for typical laboratory soil columns but is impractical for
fiber optic calibration in longer soil columns or field conditions because
of the Large amount of time and tracer required. As a result, a "point" cal
ibration method has been developed that consists of injecting standard solu
tions directly into the small soil volume surrounding the measurement tip o
f the probe. Comparisons of the conventional leaching method with the injec
tion calibration techniques confirmed the new procedures work well in both
silica sand and clay loam soil columns. As a result, the new calibration te
chnique was tested in a heterogeneous field soil and provided a simple and
accurate approach to calibrating FOMPs for in situ real-time measurement of
solute transport processes in the field.