The Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System (SECIS) is an instrument designed
to search for short-period modulations in the solar corona seen either duri
ng a total eclipse or with a coronagraph. The CCD cameras used in SECIS hav
e the capability of imaging the corona at a rate of up to 70 frames a secon
d, with the intensities in each pixel digitised in 12-bit levels. The data
are captured and stored on a modified PC. With suitable optics it is thus p
ossible to search for fast changes or short-period wave motions in the coro
na that will have important implications for the coronal heating mechanism.
The equipment has been successfully tested using the Evans Solar Facility
coronagraph at National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak and during the 11
August 1999 eclipse at a site in north-eastern Bulgaria. The instrument is
described and preliminary results are outlined.