We propose a voltage ramp technique that detects ultra-thin oxide breakdown
when other techniques (such as noise) fail. This technique provides a stra
ightforward method of extending conventional ramp breakdown techniques to u
ltra-thin dielectrics. We show for the first time that the post-stress leak
age current is independent of oxide area over seven orders of magnitude and
for an oxide thickness range of 2.3-20nm. In addition, we show that the vo
ltage ramp Weibull distribution statistics scale with area and are consiste
nt with constant voltage stress tests on 2nm gate oxides. We model the post
-breakdown I-V characteristics and show space-charge limited behavior. This
observation is used to explain why a modified voltage ramp technique is ne
eded for ultra-thin oxides and defect-detecting large area structures. Fina
lly we demonstrate that new noise techniques may be necessary to detect bre
akdown during constant voltage stress in ultra-thin gate oxides.