Whereas the efficacy of inpatient treatment in socalled psychosomatic rehab
ilitation clinics in Germany has been well researched and documented, studi
es involving large samples on the efficacy of inpatient treatment in acute
hospitals are lacking. A multicentered retrospective study involving clinic
s for psychotherapy at three separate universities was conducted on an samp
le of n = 495. The patients were treated on an inpatient basis between Apri
l 1990 and July 1998 in one of the clinics. The predominant approach to tre
atment of these clinics was psychodyamic. Other approaches such as behavior
al therapy are integrated. In addition to sociodemographic variables clinic
al data (SCL-90-R, IIP, BSS, ICD-Diagnosis) at admission and discharge were
collected. A follow-up study was not conducted.
With an average effect size of 0.84 in terms of clinical scales the results
demonstrate good efficacy of inpatient treatment. Effect sizes were high o
n the depression, obsessiv-compulsive and anxiety scale of the SCL-90-R, an
d were low on the phobia subscale. By self report 55% of all patients indic
ated they had markedly improved, 22% indicated no change and 6% stated they
were worse. 17% of all patients were below the chosen cut-off point of the
GSI. Patients with a low level of education took benifit as well from the
offered therapy. There was no clear relationship between effect size and le
ngth of hospital stay. This may he due to the particular setting of an univ
ersity clinic.