In this study the reference intervals for folate and vitamin B-12 were esti
mated according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
Approved Guideline C28-A and International Federation of Clinical Chemistr
y recommendations. The study included 155 women and 124 men between ages 18
-40. The health status was confirmed by history, physical examination and a
questionnaire. The central 95% reference intervals of serum folate and vit
amin B12 for women, determined non-parametrically, were found to be 3.9-18.
1 ng/ml and 101-666.7 pg/ml, respectively: The reference values of serum fo
late and vitamin B12 for men were also found to be 2,5-17.6 ng/ml and 100-6
99.57 pg/ml, respectively. We did not observe subclass differences between
females and males.