As the English striker Gary Lineker famously said, "Foolball is a very simp
le game. For 90 minutes, 22 men go running after the ball, and at the end,
the Germans win." Although the game is simple, analyzing it can be hard. Ju
st what makes one team better than another? How much difference do tactics
make? Is there really such a thing as a "lucky win"? Here, we try to answer
these questions in the context of RoboCup. We take the giant set of log da
ta produced by the simulator tournaments from 1997 to 1999 and feed it to a
data-munching program that produces statistics on important game features.
Using these statistics, we identify precisely what has improved in RoboCup
and what still requires further work. Plus, because the data muncher can w
ork in real time, we can also release it as a proxy server for RoboCup. Thi
s proxy server gives all RoboCup developers instant access to statistics wh
ile a game is in progress and is a promising step toward an important goal:
understanding RoboCup.