The Marketing/Member Relations Team was tasked with the following case scen
ario and critical assumptions:
Women's health issues are an identified priority for your managed care orga
nization (MCO) and its marketing strategy. Your organization's goal is to i
dentify marketing opportunities that result from your organization's compli
ance with the National Committee for Quality Assurance Health Plan Employer
s Data and Information Set (HEDIS) 2000 Management of Menopause measure.
The team was asked to consider a number of questions regarding its objectiv
e, key audiences/ constituencies, marketing messages, and methods of commun
ication, including, "How can compliance with HEDIS 2000 Management of Menop
ause measure be turned into a marketing advantage?" "Who are the key audien
ces to whom the MCO must communicate the benefits of menopause counseling?"
"How do you create an effective story to support menopause counseling?" an
d "Can marketing play a role in uncovering member/provider/employer needs?"