Objective. As the consequences of clumsiness in children become better unde
rstood, the need for valid measurement tools is apparent. Parent report has
the potential for providing historical knowledge of the child's motor skil
ls, as well as perceptions of their children's motor difficulties. The obje
ctive was to develop a parent questionnaire to identify, motor difficulties
in children.
Method. A sample of 306; children participated in the development of a 17-i
tem Parent questionnaire, called the Developmental Coordination Disorder Qu
estionnaire (DCDQ). internal consistency, concurrent and construct validity
were examined
Results. The DCDQ proved capable of distinguishing children who had motor p
roblems las measured by standing ardized tests) from children without motor
problems. Correlations with standardized tests were significant. Two other
studies confirmed the construct validity of the DCDQ. Factor analysis reve
aled four distinct factors, useful in defining the nature of the difficulti
Conclusion. The DCDQ is a succinct and useful measure for we by occupationa
l therapists.